Technology is good for some reason; they accommodate the work done by humans. But, have we ever looked technology as in from the other side? Are they really gives us benefits or are there is more than just that? Let us look beyond that. Without noticing, technology is actually something that described by Joan Greenbaum from her book - Windows on the Workplace as a “device that is specifically designed to fit in with management policies to cut labor costs and speed up the processing of information”.
In the world of Capitalism, all is based on profit-making. Management of some sort of company tends to make decision that in the end makes more profit and as well as violating human rights. In order to make more profit, the management uses more technology. This will eventually cut the cost and speeds the time of production. These are the benefits, right. But the use of technology just increases the work available for the management to give to the workers. When there is more work to do, in order to cut cost, the work are divided by detail.
Worst than that, they are paid less money and their creativity as a human had been violated. What does that mean by that? When people are doing their work the same thing every single day, they can only be expert of such things. Their capacity are not developed much. As a human, we need to develop our capacity. This is what makes us different from the animals. We may not realize this but when we make routine things every day, our life are dull and this will eventually, makes unhappiness. Do you think that this is a right thing to do or do you just don’t care? World has become a monstrous thing today, don’t you think?
Technology has created a very monstrous world. It has indeed allowed us to create more goods in a more efficient manner, but when thinking about this subject according to this original post it definately takes away creativeness. One goes to work every day doing the exact same thing he/she did the day/week/month/year before in no different way. Wow, that is very boring. I would lose my mind if that is what our economy is about. Do not get me wrong I think capitalism is the correct way to go however some tweeks need to be made in order to keep some sort of sanity. Management claims that technology creates a better and more happy environment, but in reality look where technology has taken the great country of America outside of the corporate world. There are commercials ENCOURAGING kids to play outside. That is pathetic in my opinion. Our economy has created technology with technology that takes away kids creativeness and potential. We have so many obese children in our country today due to the video games and computers that are now available. Will this destruction of kids' creativness hurt our future economy? Who knows if it will or not but is an interesting topic to consider.
It is true, that technology do have its own 'dark side'. But, it is not only unnoticeable; it is also covered up by powerful corporation that abuse technology for their benefits. Profit making, to be exact. They said technology is beneficial and rewarding; peoples are buried by technology's 'good side'. They believed that technology only have 'good'. This enabled the big companies to reap off the reward. If only we could open our eyes to the reality that we are and still abused by these technologies, then we could bring capitalism down. For me, we can use economic democracy to replace capitalism in the long run. It may seem a little bit far-fetched, but it is achievable. The problem is who could shut the corporation's mouth from telling only one side of the story? Nobody could stop the march of capitalism with technology for the time being. This is because whenever some brave soul stands up; he is forced to sit down, oppressed by the company's sheer power.
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